The JLeRN Experiment

JISC's Learning Registry Node Experiment at Mimas

Archive for the tag “developer challenges”

Alpha node

We installed the JLeRN “alpha” node on our new Ubuntu server on the weekend (Jan 21-22) before the Hackday.  But there was a bug which affected the indexes and thus document retrieval.

The LR developers in the U.S. resolved the bug promptly and we applied the fix on Jan 28th.

The node is here:

The node supports all publish and retrieval services although we haven’t had a chance to test all of these yet.

The node is now open to the world except you need a username and password to publish documents.  The credentials you need to publish are:

Username: fred
Password: flintstone

Give it a go when you have a minute or two.

Examples:  [all documents in node, 100 at a time]

N.B.: The examples above fetch JSON documents.  Install an extension to your favourite browser so you can display the documents in a readable format; e.g., JSONview extension for Firefox.

Curl examples:
$ curl  -v”″
$ curl -Xv POST -H “Content-Type:application/json” “” -d @test_data.json -u fred

The Learning Registry Quick Reference Guide has more examples.

JLeRN Experiment Paradata Developers’ Challenge at Dev8D 2012

Are you interested in capturing, sharing, mashing up or otherwise using paradata, AKA data about the use of open educational resources?

Are you thinking about exploring where and how teachers and learners are using resources, or sharing them via social media, or what they are saying about the resources?

The JLeRN Experiment has a challenge for you!

Please see the Dev8D Challenges page for further details on this and other Developer Challenges, or see our own page here.

And please help us out by letting folk know about the challenge.

NB: There will be a pre-conference Web surgery for developers on 6 February, 10:30-11:30.

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